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Stress free bookkeeping for small businesses

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About RK Bookkeeping

Meet Rachel's familyRK Bookkeeping was started in 2017 by me, Rachel Kirk, when I left my previous corporate life to start supporting small business owners, rather than shareholders of larger companies.  With 20 years management accounting experience under my belt, with a lot of that time spent supporting non-finance people with managing their budgets and financial records, the move into bookkeeping for small business was a sensible, if not slightly scary, one.  It is great to be able to help business owners by taking some of the mystery and confusion out of keeping your records and making sure they are up to date as efficiently as possible.

I have been Chartered Management Accountant since 2003, which was achieved after a lot of extra study (straight after university) and getting the ‘right’ experience.  I am now a ‘Member in Practice’ of CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) which means that they will monitor that I am compliant with their rules of practicing, such as holding professional indemnity insurance, having correct paperwork, compliance with current HMRC month laundering regulations, and that I undertake continuing professional development.

Rachel's familyMost of my work is ‘in the cloud’.  This means that we use accounting systems that can be accessed by anyone from anywhere.  I am a trained advisor on both Xero and QuickBooks which I use for my clients.  There are always new advances in how these are used and other systems that can be used in conjunction (and integrated) with them – some of the systems was use are Auto Entry for data capture and Fluidly for cashflow forecasting but there are lots more that can be used to make life easier.

On a personal note, I live (and work) in North Worcestershire, where I have our 2 dogs (Indy and Amber) for company.  Most of my clients are local and I tend to visit regularly, not just to pick up paperwork, but to chat about their issues and find a best way forward with things – it is really nice to get to know them and their businesses and help them through good and bad times. I have worked in all sorts of companies, some of which you may have heard of, but the highlight was probably working for a wine company in South Australia with its associated wine allowance!


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